[Assignment 1] what is globalization?
1) Summary
Over time, as
technology advances, all over the world people can contact each other through
Internet, airplane, various media flatform and so on. And naturally we
discussed the idea of globalization and It’s still ongoing. But until 1980s or
1990 early, globalization have not been fully accepted in academic part. Since The
term globalization has not been widely used for a long time, and is being
discussed in various ways and dimension, It’s hard to define straight one word
or sentence what that is.
Velho(1997) said about globalization in objective and horizon perspective. According to his perspective, especially object approach, regard globalization as a thinking of single process. And he thinks even though world is undergoing globalization each country has different aspect.
There’s recognition
difference between 1900s and 2000s about globalization. In the late 1900s, people
who looked at globalization in economic perspective were more dominant. But after
the late 1990 the movement called by antiglobalization raised, people had realized
the inequalities in economic sense was caused by globalization. And In early
1990s policy that actually can execute open markets, free trade, deregulation
and privatization was promoted by wealthy country. Which means transnational
corporations occupied the position more significance in economic. As people
focused on economy just like this the social scientific factors of
globalization were relatively slighted. When Robertson said world becoming singular,
his argument brought the development of various social sciences. It affected
the sociology, political science and anthropology.
The thing we
need to be careful when we discuss this is don’t think globalization’s mainly
feature is just increasing connectivity. Not only connectivity but increasing
global consciousness is also important. but increasing global consciousness could
be gain by increasing connectivity in various way. These two feature was studied
by scholar of different
field. Connectivity has been usually considered by political scientist, international
relations specialists and economists. On the other side, global consciousness
has been studied more by anthropologists, sociologists and cultural historians.
Globalization is being discussed that
has three dimensions which is economic, political and the cultural. In cultural
dimension, Ritzer, who directly works on globalization of social customs and
relationships, has been suggested the concept called Macdonaldization. It’s
negative aspect of globalization. It presents uniform commodity or service that
can be considered homogeneity. Ritzer was worried about the corporation similar
with McDonald spread to other nation from specific nation in this case, America.
There might be a few changes but still this phenomenon appears quite often all
over the world. In conclusion, the expansion of capitalism around the world is seen
to be needed the elevation of the cultural subjects.
About the form of globalization, Immanuel
Wallerstein claimed that the world could have become as a single place; singular
system. But It is not convincing enough to apply in real world where we live.
It would have been possible if the ideology of world would be a Soviet Communist
Party or German Fascism. Also he thought the present world system is made from
expansion of capitalism. But, as we have been denied the simple economic
approach we need to think the whole globalization process in a multifaceted
way. So that National states should also discuss ways to embrace globalization.
They have to be regarded as one of process of globalization. The concept of
national identity is becoming multiculturality across the world. And the
extensive migration had affected on this issue. with migration occurring around
the world, the nation state often became a multicultural nation. Naturally the
global norm had been changed to polyethnicity.
Meanwhile, according to Beck and Beck
Gernsheim, the globalization has also had a great impact on self and individuality.
Whole world is getting depend on inputs of individuals. It tends to be more
clearly in the West like the manipulation of individuals identities by the
state, but overall it occurs beyond the West. The manipulation of one’s identity
mainly was caused by the anonymity of Internet. Self-identity can be expressed between
similarity and uniqueness. For example, there’s always global trend on every side
like fashion, hair style, life style, architecture and so on. But each individuals
can show self-identity through accepting common trends by adding items with their
own individuality.
When we discuss
about globalization, there’s a topic that cannot be omitted: Glocalization. This
concept has been discussed in the business field and recently became main
characteristic in globalization. Glocalization actually emerged from the
discussion of global and local relations. Global and local is not extremely opposite
side like binary idea. Even though globalization goes on, not uniformly the
same thing but still contextual differences are necessary. Various service or
goods market need to adapt their things in particular contextual. From a sociological
and anthropological point of view, glocalization was caused by the concept of
diffusion. Sometimes people misunderstand that world flows in a globalized
world but actually it’s impossible. Because we don’t know what totally globalized
world look like and its norm.
In conclusion, It’s important to increase global connectivity and global consciousness. And globalization should focus on nation states, world politics, individuals and humankind. and globalization is not ontological so it’s hard to explain or define what that is exactly. We should be wary of looking at globalization only negatively and using it as a source of all problems.
2) New learning, interesting
The interesting is the antiglobalization part. I’ve heard a lot about globalization so this topic is quite used to me. But when I think about globalization, I didn’t thought there was an opposite opinion-antiglobalization. Of course globalization has many positive aspect but also has negative aspect. Through this article, I could have chance to think about also understand this both side and. Ironically, as the movement that against capitalistic globalization is spread all over the world, this phenomenon itself was accepted as a process of globalization.
And another
thing that I could learn in this article is McDonaldization. As a person who
enjoy McDonald, this standardization system gives us convenience and make us to
expect more than a certain level of service that can be received anywhere. But also
we need to caution about the spread of excessively uniformed practices that do
not fit particular country or situation without flexibility. And remember that
the people who work to provide the service or goods are doing highly repetitive
work but still they are human being. As time goes by, more and more transnational
corporations are emerging. But they shouldn’t just focus on efficiency. They have
to keep considerate the way how to people work like human being and also how to
adapt properly in every different situation. this expansion should care about cultural
problems because all nations have different culture and economic system.
3) Discussion
I have two topics I want to discuss with you.
I kept in mind in this article that many people in developing countries are unwilling to accept the definition of globalization from a more privileged social context. and now I know that the anti-globalization movement also happened from this perspective. It is true that globalization leads the world in a more advanced direction, but as there are exceptions to everything, it does not apply to all countries. Rather, developing countries were wary of the globalization strategy led by advanced countries. because the world could flow to the center of nation that have great power. And indeed, if we look at the problems of modern society, where globalization is underway, advanced countries make great profits by installing factories in countries with relatively low manpower or land prices and producing goods they want cheaply and exporting them to other countries, but if we look at countries where factories are installed, there are overflowing people who work for cheap wages. Furthermore, harmful substances from factories pollute the environment and threaten the safety of the native people. In this case, developed countries will continue to be rich on the other hand, developing countries will even get the environmental problems. Isn't there a way win-win for everyone? what direction should globalization, which developing countries can all agree on, head to?
The second thing
I want to discuss together is related to cultural relativism. Globalization has
made it easy for us to access cultures and languages around the world. Not only
can you experience it in person, but you can also experience it indirectly
through the Internet or media. As a result, each country's unique traditional
culture remained, also had a mixed lifestyle. And as we begin to understand the
culture of other countries, we could have an attitude of understanding the
culture of other countries as it is. In fact, in some countries, unethical things
happen under the name of culture. For example, circumcision or honor murder. I
personally think that culture or institution can’t be above people. Should we
embrace this culture? There are global norms that followed all over the world,
but the those examples are clearly inconsistent. So can we leave this issue
just because it is a culture of another country? A lot of people are still
suffering at this moment. Economic problems, environmental pollution, and these
cultural problems are now difficult to solve within a single country because
the world is complicated. How can we solve these problems? Is it something that
can intervene or help from other countries? Let me know what you think
I agree with you. I feel like the center of globalization is an advanced country, and I wonder if developing countries are feeling the benefits of globalization properly.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, one of the examples of political socialization was the "development of the Amazon jungle in Brazil." Developed countries opposed the development of Amazon, saying it would destroy the Earth's environment, but Brazil was in favor of it because it could promote the nation's development by developing Amazon.
I understand both positions. But what I felt most about this example was that we need to rethink whether the main body of globalization is concentrated in developed countries, and whether globalization is really moving in the right direction.
Interesting analysis, long and with a picture, very well done! Keep up the good job!
ReplyDeleteIt was also interesting to read about your take on cultural relativism.
Good or bad, nothing is white and black... hopefully our next classes will provide you with some answers!