This blog is a digital forum where students from Fall 2020 class in Sociology of Globalization at the Hanyang University in Korea will discuss their weekly readings and activities. For each section of the course, you are expected to post a blog post on relevant readings on our blog here and make a comment on another student's post. An ideal commentary should be about 800 words, divided into three clearly labeled sections in which you: 1) summarize in your own words of materials you read; 2) mention of any new, interesting, or unusual items learned; 3) identify at least one question, concern, or discussion angle that is either problematic in some respect or could have been elaborated more. This question is likely to be incorporated into our class discussions. You are allowed to quote an interesting passage from the text(s) you've read, but the quotes will not count toward any length requirements. Blog’s deadline is always: Sunday, midnight, of the week the question is posted. Re...
Naver and Google can access various information and articles using search engines. In particular, Google does not have a lot of information other than information search and unnecessary advertisements, and there are many papers. On the contrary, Naver is often unsuitable because there are many advertisements on blogs and uncertain sites that are sponsored or written for manuscript fees. Google is not classified in categories, making it difficult to find the information it wants.
Summary Culture and globalization have realistic limitations in terms of interacting with each other that globalization is bound to be a problem in culture as negotiations of cultural experience are used in strategies to intervene in areas such as politics, environment, economy, etc. Interesting point Marx and Cultural Globalization Marx argued that what they saw in the progress of ultra-national capitalism as ultimately and in a positive way was the subject of historical change: 'Everywhere should be established, settled everywhere, and connected everywhere.' These are exactly the opposite situations for cultural critics today. Discussion C ulture as a dimension of globalization
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