
Showing posts from October, 2020

The embodiment of globalization

 British scholar Herder described the historical form of globalization from four dimensions: the breadth of the global network, the intensity of global interconnection, the speed of global flow and the influence of global interconnection; at the same time, it is based on infrastructure, institutionalization and stratification. And the four indicators of communication methods summarize the main content of globalization as: political globalization caused by capital globalization, military globalization, trade globalization, financial globalization, transnationalization of multinational companies and production, global migration, and cultural globalization And environmental globalization. Contemporary globalization is a unique era of historical convergence and concentration in various fields and various aspects of globalization.

Views of Western Scholars on Globalization

 Western scholars generally believe that this new wave of globalization is accompanied by market liberalization. Its means are privatization, deregulation, the establishment of a flexible labor market and the opening of the "world economy." Capital pushes the logic of market liberalization to the world, attempts to break the nation-state and all barriers, and establish an unimpeded global market for capital. There is not much difference in the content of globalization between the left and the right in the West. It is just that the inevitable faction of neoliberalism advocates a linear progress theory, describing globalization as a unidirectional development of information technology and free markets. The leftists emphasize the multi-directional and complex globalization centered on capital globalization.


 The more consistent view among skeptics is that developed countries are still the masters of the world economy. Nationalization has not decreased, and North-South inequality has turned out to be an increasingly marginalized economy for many "Third World" countries. The inequality and hierarchical patterns of the world economy are deeply ingrained. From a structural point of view, these patterns have only changed in the past century. There are also individual right-wing thinkers among the skeptics. As Huntington believes, this inequality has promoted the development of fundamentalism and offensive nationalism. Unlike the extreme globalists predicted, a global civilization will emerge in the world. On the contrary, it is splitting into civilized groups and cultural and Race enclave. At the end of the twentieth century, under the strong pressure of neoliberal ideology, skepticism was rather weak. However, after the "9.11" incident in the United States, this view has r


 Skepticism disagrees with the emergence of a world-wide fully integrated economy, namely globalization, and believes that globalism exaggerates facts and deliberately misleads the public in the judgment of globalization. This view is mainly held by Western left-wing scholars. Hirst and Thompson believe that the current historical facts do not indicate the emergence of globalization, but at best a high level of internationalization. The current level of economic integration did not exceed the end of the 19th century. Globalization is a myth, and its extent is completely exaggerated. Weiss believes that the globalist view underestimates the enduring power of national governments to control the international economy. Leaders of English-speaking countries who believe in neoliberal economic philosophy are exaggerating the impact of globalization and deliberately exaggerating the failure of nation-states. This view of the end of the state not only exaggerates the facts, but also carries a s


 An extreme globalist is a globalization necessity. Neoliberals hailed the victory of individual autonomy and market principles over state power. They believed that globalization was the inevitable result of economic logic. Therefore, they praised the single global competition rule as a sign of human progress and called globalization a real precursor to global civilization. . For example, after the Cold War, Fukuyama, the ideological standard-bearer of contemporary neoliberalism, immediately declared the global victory of the free market concept, preaching that liberalism is the historic "end" of ideology. The ultra-globalist Kenichi Ohmae believes that contemporary globalization marks a new era in which all nations are increasingly subject to the constraints of the global market. Some neo-Marxists such as Gil and Amin also believe that contemporary globalization represents the victory of oppressive global capitalism. They condemned the expansion of global capitalism for caus

What are the characteristics of modern social movements in Korea?

  The characteristic of Korean modern social movement is non-violent struggle. Unlike Western countries and other democratic countries, the movement took place relatively peacefully. In particular, as time passed, social movements took place in a non-violent and legal manner. In the case of the June 1988 Democratic Uprising after the April 19th Revolution, there was friction between the protesters and the police during the crackdown, but there was no tremendous bloodshed. It was a more peaceful way than the April 19 Revolution. During the May 18 Democratization Movement in 1980, there was repression by the military, but this was a unilateral overrepression, even though the demonstrators did not protest violently. After that, in the case of the impeachment of former President Park Geun-hye, there was no conflict between the police and the citizens, and the entire process of impeachment took place peacefully within the legal process. At this time, foreign media also paid attention to Kor

[ Reading Assignment 2 ] What is the relation between globalization and culture?

 1. Summary  According to the writer, globalization is a complicated, combining process of global connection. This connectivity that characterizes the urban environments is increased in various aspect of our lives. It is true that our society is more globally connected than the past. Therefore, perception of globalization as a process of developing connection is helpful to know the various dimensions of process.   It is so hard to escape from the global dominance of the capitalist system. However, John Tomlinson says that we should oppose the enticement to attribute it causal primacy in the globalization process. There are two reasons for this.   First, people can’t handle positive judgments about what particular practices drive each thing, but can raise some questions of the structure of analytical categories: Is it economic practices also, cultural? As it is assumption that the economy is worked outside of the impact of culture, the first reason is regarding conception of the economi

Reading 2. What is the relation between culture and globalization? / Kim Yoon(김윤)

Summary John Tomlinson wrote a paper on the correlation between globalization and culture. Today, globalization is well known as a multidimensional process in which areas of economy, politics, technology, media, environment and culture taking place simultaneously. In addition, the boundaries between them are vague and often appear to be joined together. This connectivity increases and affects human life. Therefore, understanding these trends makes us keep in mind the complex and multidimensional processes between them. John saw this understanding as inseparable from the capitalist system, citing two reasons. The first is because we are not making simple imperialist judgments with this. Second, because this distorts understanding at the cultural level.   One of the common speculations about globalization is that it will lead to a single world culture. There is a reason why this seems possible. Because we can see a unified effect, especially in connecting other spiritual memories, such

What is the relation between globalization and culture?/ Joon Hee Lee

Summary Globalization is not defined on a simple dimension, but in a complex way with various fields (such as economics, politics, technology, media and telecommunications). And we can't give priority to this diversity. Based on this point, globalization is usually interpreted as trying to explain the development and change of the interconnection network of mljil, social and cultural life in modern society. In particular, communication technologies (such as mobile phones, computers, the Internet, etc.) have had the greatest impact on these interconnection networks. Thanks to this, we are much more interdependent than in the past. Through cultural significance and interpretation, people are constantly motivated and made decisions in the process of making certain actions and choices. Action by practical or economic needs is also affected here. (Except for essential needs.) Based on this, one of the useful ways to think about the role of culture in globalization is to figure out how m

What is the relation between culture and globalization?

  Summary Globalization is a multi-dimensional process that occurs simultaneously in the realm of environmental change and culture, such as economic, political, and technological development. So when we look at globalization from a cultural perspective, we can make a general assumption that the process of globalization leads to one global culture. But even if global interdependence, or the level of global connectivity, increases, it doesn't mean that the world is fully integrated, economically or politically. At the same time as this view, there is an opinion that the concept of globalization in modern society is forcing global culture on other cultures. Cultural globalization implies a form of cultural imperialism. Examples include global brand companies such as Starbucks, McDonald's, Coca Cola, etc. The success of these Western brands can lead to the dominance of Western culture in the world, which is threatening the loss of non-Western culture. In this era, ‘Westermization

What is the relation between culture and globalization? / Minji Moon

Summary John Tomlinson is reviewing the globalization that has broken down borders through the complex links between people caused by the development of scientific and communication technologies in modern society. Globalization allows people to communicate with people in other remote areas outside the physical space where they are located, and expands human exchanges as well as information and technology. Cultural globalization is taking place in that culture has expanded beyond its own territory. Taking air travel as an example, he explained that the space we traveled is not only physical but also social and cultural distance movement. This is a violation of a new cultural territory that is different from where I was located. The globalization he says is not just cultural unification. It is a complex single urbanization that is revealed through the interaction of disparate countries. Globalization is also a phenomenon of capitalist markets, but it is not limited to the economic sphere

Cultural Globalization

 Relationship between Culture and Globalization John Tomlinson says it is cultural globalization that globalization moves away from his physical space, communicates, interacts with people elsewhere, and expands culture. He doesn't say globalization is just cultural unification. He says globalization is a complex single-urbanization that occurs through human interaction. It is also said that globalization is a phenomenon of capitalism, but not limited to the economy, but a simultaneous and complex process of economy, politics, culture and technology. Tomlinson puts forward the concept of Deterritorialization. Deterritorialization  is the loss of natural relations between cultural, geographical and social territories and is the cultural condition of globalization. But this does not completely block cultural and territorial links. The expansion of social relations due to the increase in cultural experience also affects physical areas, meaning complex cultural spaces are formed. John T

What is the relation between culture and globalization? /Jeong Ye-Chan

Globalization refers to a phenomenon or process in which interactions with people, objects, and knowledge in different regions take place simultaneously and rapidly on a global scale. As exchanges between regions are very active due to the development of transportation and communication, globalization is proceeding rapidly, and globalization of culture is accelerating as information and thoughts can be easily exchanged through media such as the Internet and social networking services (SNS). It also affects food, clothing, music, movies, and sports that people around the world enjoy today. In other words, it invades where I am located and other cultural territories. A cultural homogenization phenomenon occurs in which the cultural characteristics of one region are the same or similar in another. Examples include fast-food restaurants, coffee shops, cola and the spread of popular culture. However, there is a negative view of this phenomenon. There is a tendency to be uniformed into Weste

What is the relation between culture and globalization? ——Yang Ruixin

As we know, kung fu panda became a hot topic in China. surprisingly, this American film shows bright Chinese images such as kungfu and panda. this is a good example of cultural globalization. but there are two entirely different attitudes towards it. some people think it demonstrates the increasing influence of Chinese culture. others, however, inclined to take the opposite point of view and regard it as an invasion of native culture resources. As for me, I tend to take an open attitude towards cultural globalization.  we can promote our own culture and meanwhile learn from other cultures, which is beneficial to all countries.  It is important to note that each culture has its own characteristics. with the evolving trend of cultural globalization, we should be responsible for the development and spread of our national cultural tradition. Just like a coin, which has two sides, on one aspect, globalization is not only accelerating economic growth speed, spreading new technology and effec

[ Blog assignment 2 ] Hofstede Insights

Hofstede defined the tendency of society by setting six dimensions for classification in his cultural dimension theory : individualism-collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, masculinity-feminity, short term-long term, indulgence-self restraint. First of all, I wanted to compare the difference between the six scales of hoistede by continent, so I chose Korea in Asia, France in Europe, and the United States in North America.  Power Distance  Power distance refers extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions accept that power is distributed unequally. It presupposes that individuals in all societies are not the same. In this regard, France scored the highest with 68 points, followed by South Korea with 60 points.  In France, where the degree of power distance is high, power is concentrated on the upper level. The characteristics of high degree countries are also shown in the appearance of children and parents, which shows that power is concentr

What is the relation between culture and globalization?-LIUXINLEI

 What is the relation between culture and globalization? Globalization is a reality that we cannot deny, and we must also admit that while the world is developing rapidly in all aspects, internationalization is also playing its role. As mentioned in the article, globalization is a multidimensional process. This multi-dimensional process is particularly embodied in media and communication. As a part of globalization, culture has an impact in all aspects of our lives, and it brings both positive and negative impacts. On the positive side, globalization has brought cultural universality. The development of international university education and SNS has greatly accelerated the spread of culture. People are drowning in constantly pushing new YouTube videos and new media articles. A certain novel idea in a small European town may quickly be loved by fans all over the world, but a new trend of thought swept the world a week later. We have to admit that the globalization of culture in some res

What is the relation between culture and globalization? / sangmin choe

1. Globalization is the process of accelerating and integrating global connectivity. Globalization takes place in all areas of modern life: capital, goods, people, knowledge, information and thoughts, crime. The aspect of globalization can be felt in everyday life by everyone, including developing countries. Connectivity is also characteristic of how we eat, wear and make money, including our communication skills (phone, computer, etc.). It also relates to the global epidemic of the climate crisis that we all face. We are connected to the world in every way, and this is an unprecedented situation. Although most of the discussions are held at an economic dimension, we should also be held at a cultural dimension. If globalization is handled only on an economic dimension, it not only makes sense to an extremely narrow extent, but also distorts our understanding of culture. Some speculate that globalization will lead to a single global culture. This is because Western products such as Nike