
Showing posts from December, 2020

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 Graded to here

What is the relation between culture and globalization?

1. Summary We need to understand the meaning of 'cultural globalization'. First of all, globalization refers to multidimensional things. It is implemented simultaneously within the realm of economic, political and technological development. That is, global connectivity can be accelerated and integrated. Clifford Geertz says, 'Culture is not power and social events can be attributed causally'. It can be understood to have a potential impact on people's cultural experiences. If we ask, 'what is culture?' we can answer that it creates meaning of life. Where meaning is equivalent to the material need for housing and maintenance. One common guess about the globalization process is that it will lead to a single world culture. Roland Robertson quotes the world as a 'single place'. Ethnic states restrict their autonomy. independently order their economic problems or local industrial environmental impacts. The overwhelming global economic system of the develo

What is the relation between politics and globalization?

 1. Summary Since the transnational process, political globalization has been discussed a lot. Politics resulting from transnational networks is a process of de-territorialization and re-territorialization, and for some, the political globalization process opens up a new sense of liberation. For others, it also lead to the loss of autonomy and the division of the world. There are three processes that interact to produce a complex field of world politics. World geopolitics Global normative culture mult-psychological network One of the most widespread forms of political globalization is global dissemination. In other words, globalization is global dissemination. In other words, globalization does not weaken a democratic nation, but is accepted globally. However, this is not an end to ideology, but an increasingly different kind of ideology spreads. The first dimension of political globalization is geopolitics of global power.  The second aspect is the emergence of a global normative cult

(Extra point) Korea's inequality is increasing, can this lead to more conflicts?

  The most serious social problem in Korean society in the 20th century was poverty, but inequality became the most serious social problem in the 21st century. I think the reason why inequality started is because of 'income'. This is because income is widening the gap between the rich and the poor. In a capitalist society, people buy the necessary services as goods called 'money'. Of course, the rich can purchase more than they need, and the poor often cannot. I think what is essential for human life can be purchased according to income, and conflicts are arising as there is a difference between no and no. Therefore, various methods are being applied to resolve the conflict, but there seems to be no plausible way yet. Currently, there is a lot of talk about Korea's public housing policy. There is a story that public housing, which is to have one's own home, is meaningless. And people still call people who buy rental houses 'Elsa(a person who lives in LH)'

(Extra point) Will 3D printing change the world?

 It was surprising when the 3D printer was first released to the world. I thought there would be great development in the industrial sector. I thought it would simply help make parts. However, it is using 3D printers in various fields. In China, they built houses with 3D printing, and Boeing is said to be manufacturing airplane parts. And medical circles say that they are making artificial teeth and prosthetics. I think 3D printing will have a big impact on the cultural and economic sectors. The first cultural field will be 'personalization, customization'. Because you can make it with 3D printing with the design we want. We are buying mass-produced items now, but if 3D printing are developed further, it will be mass personalization. It's amazing to see customized items now, but it will become common soon. In the second economic sector, various jobs will be created. Some people think that jobs will be reduced because machines replace people. However, 3D printers are being u

(Extra point) Is Korea more individualistic or collectivist?

  I think Korea is still close to 'collectivist'. I think it's about 30 in number. There is Korean saying, 'Happiness is double when shared, sadness is half when shared'.  I think this word represents the tendency of Korea well. The same is true of today's COVID. Many people are suffering from the COVID. There are a lot of negative comments, but overall, the atmosphere is that we should work together to overcome them. I think the action of the community in particular play an important role in this crisis. This is why government briefings have repeatedly emphasized the need for the people's power. Koreans follow the governments' 'social distancing' guidelines and wear masks. And there was no hoarding of necessities because it was not an individualistic. And even through everyone was having a hard time, they held a '#덕분에 challenge' and collected donations for the medical staffs. It is not just the social atmosphere. Individuals jokingly say

(Extra point) How global is culture? Is global culture unduly dominated by the Western or American culture? Is Asian influence on the global culture growing or receding?

  I think I am still influenced by American culture. There is a saying called ‘cultural colonization’. And it’s said that cultural colonization is related to various political and economic relations. It’s not just affected by the part ‘culture’. Therefore, cultural independence is important. So I thought about this question. We often hear from various media outlets that Korean people are influencing the world. For example, people like BTS, Son Heung-min, and Rye Hyun-jin. I am proud of them as Koreans, but I think they are all part of the culture. The reason why they became famous is because they have good song and good skills. But isn’t it recognized by people all over the world as an ‘influential person’ because they won awards at a huge Western awards ceremony? Unless you’re really interested in music and sports, I think you’ll get to know them after hearing that “BTS topped the Billboard chart”. And the famous BTS also made a song consisting only of English for the American market.

What is globalization?

There are some differences in perspective in the concept of globalization. Belho(1997) described globalization as objects, perspectives, and horizons. This needs to be identified as a single process, as globalization is process. The term globalization has been widely used since the fall of the Berlin Wall, although there has been talk of globalization since then. The collapse of communism was partly due to mixture of people taking economic positions and people looking at a broader perspective. The anti-globalization movement emerged in the late 1990s because of the consciousness that globalization creates great inequality. In other words, an anti-globalization movement has emerged in the economic sense. As protests against capitalist globalization increased, many people thought that the anti-globalization movement itself was part of the globalization process. Since the early 1990s, globalization has been developed by wealthy countries. Important social and scientific factors haver been

Sunday extra credit / late work grading marker

 Late work graded up to here

[Extra Post] Will 3D printing change the world?

 The popularization of 3D printing will bring many changes to the world. But the change is not categorically positive or negative.  Thanks to 3D printing, positive changes can be made as follows. First, self-sufficiency could be possible. When 3D printers become popular, individuals can make their own products such as clothes and food ingredients. Even if you have a digital design, you can make a house, too. Next, it can protect the environment. Overproduction is the main cause that has polluted the environment because the oversupplies create a huge amount of trash. 3D printers can be produced in small quantities only as much as individuals need, which can stop environmental pollution. On the other hand, the disadvantage of 3D printers is that they can produce personal weapons. Up to now, it is not easy for individuals to purchase weapons because they need to be legally approved through various certification procedures, but when 3D printers become popular, individuals can make weapons

[Extra Post] What may cause reduction in globalization?

 I think the major cause that makes a reduction in globalization is  ‘Information Imbalance’. Information imbalance means that information processing capabilities such as production, distribution, and consumption are unbalanced by country. Developed countries with advanced communication technologies have an excellent ability to collect, produce, process, and distribute information, so they can quickly deliver a variety of high-quality information to consumers. However, developing countries with poor communication technology have difficulty in delivering high-quality information due to their poor ability to collect, produce, process, and distribute information. Let's see the information imbalance from a global communication perspective. Since central countries such as the United States, China, and the United Kingdom monopolize hardware and software, which are the core of information processing capabilities, more information can be produced and processed than developing countries. Th

[Extra Post] What are some of the major issues in world politics right now?

The hottest global issue in 2020 is definitely Covid-19. Such a tiny, invisible virus, which started in December 2019, covered the whole world, and moreover, in April, the WHO declared a Pandemic.  Currently, with the success of vaccine development, many people long for the end of the coronavirus. In fact, however, the vaccine supply contract of a large pharmaceutical company is quite unfair. By taking advantage of the urgent countries that have failed to develop vaccines, the company is making such supply contracts not to take responsibility for side effects after vaccination. They try to take less ethical responsibility by adding contract conditions ‘not to mention side effects even if they occur’.  Currently, there is a 70 percent radioactive strain in Britain, with 80 million confirmed worldwide and 1.8 million dead. We should not see the global pandemics phenomenon as a means of money-making. We will be able to end this severe situation only when we all work together to act ethica

[Extra Post] The most important International Organization

 In my opinion, the most important International organization is UNESCO. UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, is a Specialized Agency of the United Nations. The main objective of UNESCO is to contribute to peace and security in the world by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science, culture, and communication. Moreover, it makes an effort to promote universal justice, the rule of law, and human rights for the peoples of the world without distinction of race, sex, language, or religion. The reason I think UNESCO is the most important is that its purpose is not political at all. They approach global issues objectively and recognize their importance from an international perspective and act aggressively. Also, they focus on minority groups. Each country often implements policies focusing on the majority rather than the minority, but UNESCO is different. They aim to give people the right not to be discriminated against by race

[Extra Post] What are the most visible (successful) Korean wave elements in the world?

 The most successful Korean wave element in the world is definitely K-entertainment. Director Bong Joon-ho's film ‘Parasite' set a record for winning the Golden Palm Award at the Cannes Film Festival in May last year, and the Academy Award for Works in the United States in February this year. As for music, k-pop is gaining popularity all over the world. Especially 'BTS' ranked 1st in the US hit chart 'Billboard' album category in 2018, and this was the first time for Asian singers. The film ‘Parasite’ is based on social disparities. The gap between the rich and the poor is slightly different by country, but this film was produced in consideration of where the whole world has in common and how it can be communicated to foreigners. By turning social problems into entertainment, it fascinated the audience. K-pop has its own characteristics. In terms of sound, it produced world-class music by producing strong beats with the influence of hip-hop. In addition, they sp

[Extra Post] If the current rich countries are aging, and their population will decrease, how can it affect the world society in a few decades?

 Some scholars said that low birthrates and aging affect world politics as well. Some scholars are optimistic that an era of peace will come as the aging population reduces political adventures and reduces consumption. However, some analysts say that the growing population in Islamic countries and Central Asia could create political divisions and that in Western countries, anxiety over the decline in whites could lead to racial discrimination such as fascism.

[Extra Post] Where else can we see inequality of power and conflict in our society?

 Various factors such as wealth and honor often cause imbalance and competition among people. It could sound weird, but I think age is one of the factors.  Generational conflicts between the elderly and young people are common in many parts of society, and as a result, newly-coined words containing disgust regarding age continue to emerge in Korea. One of them is ‘나일리지(나이+mileage)’, which ‘나이’ means age in Korea, and the English word ‘mileage’ means the advantage that you can get from a certain situation. Recently, it has a negative meaning to refer to those who want to be given preferential treatment based on their age, just as mileage increases depending on the performance of the use. The intention of this word is to criticize those who want to benefit from it by citing that they are older and give unconditional preferential treatment.  In a culture that prioritizes age, young people use it to criticize older generations. This kind of neologism creates conflicts between generations,

[Extra Post] Is globalization good or bad?

 I think globalization is a good phenomenon. Globalization is kind of inevitable. As the economy and culture develop, globalization accelerates. Globalization is not new, but it is just getting a little faster. Globalization increases efficiency through unlimited competition in terms of economy and enriches culture by allowing various cultural exchanges between countries. It will depend on how we view globalization, but it is a process in which the communities of humanity recognize, share and develop different things. It is not to estimate which country is better. Globalization will foster a sense of community in which individuals, society, and nations understand, sympathize with each other and live together. Now selfishness and individualism could be a problem, but if there is an exchange between different peoples and countries, we can understand each other and narrow the gap little by little.

[Extra Post] Why is it that people who do something in a crowd that they wouldn't do by themselves?

 Doing something with others has lots of positive effects that it is more effective than being alone.  First of all, some of our behaviors stem from our desire to do something. Such a desire creates an environment that we can compete with others in good faith. I don't mean that we should encourage comparison, but we can look back on and improve ourselves.  Also, imagine when we have worries. There would have been times when it would be more effective to talk to or get advice from someone who had similar concerns rather than to suffer alone. If you have a purpose alone, its potential is not easy to burst and to be motivated. In other words, if they share the same goal, they can share each other's situation, feel a sense of belonging, and have the power to move forward together.

[Extra Post] Is there ranking in Korean vs foreigner?

 Races are distinguished by differences in biological characteristics such as bones, skin, and hair in the process of adapting to the natural environment. However, the discriminatory nuances felt in the word 'race' cannot be denied. This is because Western society has spread white supremacy to justify the colonial system. Of course, extreme racism has disappeared through many efforts for a long time, but conflicts stemming from cultural differences have recently been highlighted. As people's migration and exchanges become more active, there are signs of new conflicts throughout the world. We don't know which race is better and which country is superior, and we don't need to judge. People should not be preconceived in advance by race and they should not be judged before they know them. People often make a loss by evaluating their abilities only by race, and sometimes lose precious people.  In Korea, there is no law that bans racism yet. The U.N. Committee on the Elim

[Extra Post] In many places, including Korea, there is a strong relationship between education and social class. Why?

 The social class is, in other words, wealth. In today's society, it is not only important to be good at studying, but also to be perfect in various fields. This requires taking a lot of education and paying a lot of money to get that education. Therefore, a high social position can lead to a lot of education, and its wealth and position can be maintained for generations.

[Extra Post] Poverty in Korea is affecting mostly the elderly, Why do you think this is the case?

 Today's elderly people were a generation of the transition period, also called the ‘Sandwich generation’. They should not only serve their parents but also raise their children. They spent all the money and energy to take care of everyone. However, they never thought and planned their later years. It is said that at least 400 million won is needed for a child until he gets married. They could not save money in order to raise their kids. Unfortunately, our society still lacks institutional arrangements to take care of those generations. Also, as medical technology advances, the life span of the elderly is getting longer. Today, the average life expectancy is over 100. However, society needs a young and active workforce rather than an elderly person. As a result, it is not easy for the elderly to earn money as the reemployment market narrows.

[Extra Post] Is our culture better or worse than centuries ago?

 I think that we don’t need to evaluate past/present culture because each work has its own charm and there are always new flows of the culture as time passes. Since the culture of the past was not as developed as it is today, there was no clear taste or standard for people. Everything was so new and people who worked in the cultural field were able to try various things.  Currently, as many technologies develop, we can see eye-catching videos, games, movies, and the same work can be interpreted differently through various media. Moreover, the culture of the past can be reinterpreted from the current point of view to create a new trend that transcends time.

[Extra Post] Should Korean government do more to reduce poverty and promote equality?

 As the number of poor has increased since the 1997 IMF economic crisis, solving the poverty problem has become an urgent task for our society. Poverty in itself presents unbearable pain and human humiliation to the person concerned, but it is a social task that must be solved because it causes social instability as a whole. There are various government roles in Korea. The most important thing among them is to promote the well-being of the people. Since the whole nation has the right to live without discrimination from others, the government should establish an environment that encourages them to live equally. In Korea, until now, there is a Basic Social Security as the policy to reduce poverty. In the case of this basic security system, which is the main system as a countermeasure against poverty, there is a blind spot for basic security, and there are few policies for relative poverty, and there are problems such as reduced work, lower-income, insufficient poverty, and poverty pitfal

(extra) What may cause reduction in globalization? / Yerim Han

 I think the biggest factor that causes globalization to decline is racism or discrimination by country. In my opinion, globalizing the right thing is for all countries to achieve free communication and cultural exchanges without boundaries under equal treatment. But a discriminatory attitude destroys all of this. People with this discriminatory attitude seem to want a form of globalization in which poor countries belong to rich countries rather than equal globalization. This does not seem to be the right idea of democratic modern people.

(extra) Should Korean government do more to reduce poverty and promote equality / Yerim Han

 Yes. The gap between rich and poor is very serious in Korean society. I think it is the nation's welfare policy that has not reduced the gap between the rich and the poor, but rather accelerated it. The polarization between the rich and the poor has become more serious in the Pandemic situation of Corona 19. Since Korea has more common people and poor people than the rich, if they collapse, the nation's economy itself will collapse. Therefore, the state should support them not to collapse.

(extra) Is there ranking in Korean vs foreigner? / Yerim Han

 No, I don't think the people of which country should be the deciding factor. This is no different from racism. It is an act that should not be discriminated against by any country's people just because of their different colors. However, we have consistently ranked and discriminated against race and country. This behavior is a hindrance to correct globalization.

(extra) Why is it that people who do something in a crowd that they wouldn't do by themselves? / Yerim Han

 People hate uncertainty very much. Therefore, many people agree with their opinion because they think what they say is highly likely to be landlocked.This is called crowd psychology. Crowd psychology is a phenomenon in which there is no information and only many people choose. Crowd psychology is formed based on the belief that "following the majority is good for me." People don't express their opinions much, even if they differ from the majority's thoughts and opinions, and later show that their opinions change to mine.

(extra) If the current rich countries are aging, and their population will decrease, how can it affect the world society in few decades? / Yerim Han

 As the aging population reduces the number of economically active people not only in Korea but also around the world, the number of senior citizens who have to support each young person will increase, which will result in very high taxes and economic difficulties.  In addition, various welfare systems will be focused on the elderly, and the healthcare sector will likely be very successful.

(extra) In many places, including Korea, there is a strong relationship between education and social class. Why?/Yerim Han

 First of all, the most necessary thing for education in a capitalist society is money. The upper classes of society have a lot of capital, so it is possible without difficulty to receive long hours of education from quality education and higher education, but those of the lower classes, who are relatively undercapitalized, cannot receive private education only from public education. In addition, the relationship between social classes and education becomes stronger because the education guaranteed by public education does not reach higher education.

(extra) Poverty in Korea is affecting mostly the elderly, Why do you think this is the case? / Yerim Han

 The reason why older Koreans are more vulnerable to poverty is first excluded from economic activities. The average life expectancy is getting longer, and the age at which Korea can participate in economic activities remains. Of course, the retirement period is gradually being delayed, but as there is a saying that it is a 100-year-old life, it is still fast.

Extra/late posts grade marker

All work graded up to here. Please email me if you submit later work.

(extra post) Where else can we see inequality of power and conflict in our society?

  I think that inequality and conflict of power occur a lot in the Korean National Assembly. Currently, the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea is dominated by the progressive pan-government party, which holds 180 seats out of the total 300 seats. They are using their enormous influence to deal exclusively with laws that fit their ideology. There are many conflicts with the opposition party in this area, which I think is the inequality of power and the resulting conflict. In the case of the National Assembly, I think it should be an institution that determines the most necessary part of the people due to the decentralization of power. Currently, the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea is hard to find the distribution of power.

(extra post) What are some of the major issues in world politics right now?

  Now, of course, I think that the world's political issues are all concentrated in accordance with Covid - 19. But aside from the infectious diseases, isn't it the most important thing in the U.S.-China conflict? The conflict between the U.S. and China already has a huge impact on the world. I think it is now one of the important political issues to be on either side of the two countries. South Korea is also currently experiencing a lot of conflicts between China and the United States. Since this is happening all over the world, isn't it the most important political issue?

[extra posting ]-What may cause reduction in globalization?

  What may cause reduction in globalization? I think the s trong political regulations may cause reduction globalization.  Despite the covid-19, many people are fully engaged in cultural exchanges through Internet SNS and can also interact with people from other countries without contact.  However, in closed countries such as North Korea, the Internet is not properly used and freedom of expression is restricted.  The same is true of China. China is also not as closed as North Korea, but it is suppressing freedom of expression in the use of the Internet, which makes it difficult to communicate with people in other countries.  So at a time when communication over the Internet network is desperately needed, closed national policies can be said to prevent globalization. The lack of technology will also disturb globalization. The most important factor in globalization is connectivity.  In today's hyper-connected society, the technology that connects countries and countries is the most i

[Reading 4] What is the relation between economics and globalization? /Park Jaehyeon

 1. Summary  In this article,  business enterprises, especially transnational corporations (TNCs), are a major component of the global economy.  This aritcle focuses on five problems, that are  the scale and geographical distribution of TNCs in the global economy, the reasons and methods of enterprises engaging in transnational activities, the geographical embeddings of transnational enterprises, and the 'Web of Enterprises' and the other actors in the global economy. Trading companies played a very important role in the development of businesses, increasingly interconnected, they created a business community of international scale.  Companies running operations that are not obliged to be loyal to any particular country or community around the world were referred to as "placeless" global companies.  The majority of the world's TNCs come from advanced economies.  The number of TNCs is undoubtedly growing in developed countries, and the diversity of TNCs is also inc

extra post- Poverty in Korea is affecting mostly the elderly, Why do you think this is the case?

 Poverty in Korea is affecting mostly the elderly, Why do you think this is the case? Korea's welfare budget for senior citizens is 2.6 percent GDP, which is one-third of the OECD average.The poverty rate for senior citizens is 45.7% and the highest in the OECD. Even if the basic pension of 250,000 won per month is included, one out of every two senior citizens spends less than 1 million won a month in retirement. This is because it is difficult for the elderly to engage in economic activities. Since we cannot continue to increase the welfare budget for the elderly, another way is for healthy seniors to have jobs. But there are only three out of ten senior citizens who actually work, and even most of them are non-regular and low-wage jobs. Among working seniors, the ratio of simple labor jobs unrelated to their careers continues to rise, and as they get older, the tendency is also noticeable. The government should continue to create jobs for senior citizens, not just increase the w

extra post- Is there ranking in Korean vs foreigner?

 Is there ranking in Korean vs foreigner? Many were rarely moved because of the lack of mobility technology from ancient societies. And in each society, everyone living in their own and elsewhere was a stranger who violated the realm of life, and regardless of their skin color, strangers were all enemies in and of themselves. However, now mobile technology has developed and globalization has allowed us to go anywhere, but racism still occurs. In Korea, discrimination often occurs against black or foreign workers. Also, Koreans are discriminated against when they go to other countries because they are Asian. Racism is represented by the exclusion of the yellow race by white people and the discrimination of blacks in the United States and South Africa. Therefore, I think we can't rank Koreans and foreigners, but wouldn't it be ranked according to the race of foreigners?

extra post- In many places, including Korea, there is a strong relationship between education and social class. Why?

In many places, including Korea, there is a strong relationship between education and social class. Why? Social class naturally occurs in the category of society before anyone intentionally creates it. And as industrial society demanded high knowledge, technology, and professionalism, society became highly educated, making it difficult to acquire high-level knowledge and skills without being educated. Social classes and education are not completely directly proportional, but they are strongly correlated.  Depending on the job, it can also be an indicator of determining and classifying social classes, because job evaluation standards include high knowledge. There is also ISC in an objective way among social classification methods. The ISC evaluates a person as education, occupation, and financial resources. This shows that education and social classes are closely connected.

extra post- If the current rich countries are aging, and their population will decrease, how can it affect the world society in few decades?

 If the current rich countries are aging, and their population will decrease, how can it affect the world society in few decades? The elderly are not well attributed to economic activity. Therefore, in order to support the elderly, the government must raise taxes to support the elderly. One of the countries that explains this to support the elderly is France. France has a three-story system of basic pensions, such as civil servants' pensions, and retirement pensions, which are decided by labor-management agreements, in order to take responsibility for the aging population.The biggest feature of France's pension system is that the wage replacement rate is high, which accounts for a large portion of senior income resources.So in fact, the poverty rate among the elderly over 60 in France is 3.3 percent, relatively lower than the overall average of 6.2 percent.

(extra post) Is globalization good or bad?

  It's hard to tell the difference between the good and the bad of globalization. Globalization has advantages, but it has a dark side behind it. First of all, we've expanded the opportunities for companies due to globalization. This is because the global endless competition has expanded the market for companies. In addition, the endless competition between companies has allowed consumers to purchase quality products at a lower price.  And globalization has helped end the Cold War relationship and the establishment of various global organizations makes it easier to solve global problems that cannot be solved by one country alone. However, the position of solidarity, consideration, and community values has narrowed amid market-firstism that emphasizes competition. Furthermore, the gap between rich and poor is widening faster due to the winner-take-all in the endless competition.  Also, cultural imperialism behind globalization cannot be missed. No matter how global the age, the

extra post-Why is it that people who do something in a crowd that they wouldn't do by themselves?

 Why is it that people who do something in a crowd that they wouldn't do by themselves? This phenomenon is called Crowd psychology. Crowd psychology refers to the phenomenon of not having information and only following the choices made by a large number of people.Crowds psychology is based on a vague belief that "following the majority benefits me." Regardless of whether it is valid or not, many people follow the majority's actions just because they chose it. Korea's crowd psychology means a kind of leaning phenomenon or jumping-on-board effect, which means that he/she thinks it will be good because everyone else does it, so he/she follows along. Examples of movies include street cheering in the case of excessive attraction of visitors to certain works, and participation in political and social issues in protest and social movements. In the Internet world, it is also seen as a form of crowd psychology that groups gather to post malicious comments on SNS of certain

(extra post) Where else can we see inequality of power and conflict in our society?

  In our lives, inequality and conflict of power are constantly occurring.  The most representative example is the patriarchal system of Korea. The social trend of women doing housework, men earning money, and favoring men over women has long been the basis of sustaining the Korean Peninsula. We often see a family consisting of a mother doing the dishes and doing the laundry at home and a father at work. This leads to power inequality and conflict at home. The power of a male father is the strongest.  However, in recent years, with all kinds of social changes, this patriarchal system has also disappearing. Along with the women's rights movement, the natural idea that ability is more important than gender is now socially accepted. Even so, it has been embedded in people's perceptions for a long time, so it seems that individual consciousness will need to be improved to solve this problem.

extra post - Where else can we see inequality of power and conflict in our society?

 Where else can we see inequality of power and conflict in our society? I think the inequality of power and conflict seen in our society is a problem between workers and businesses Labor-management conflicts continue to arise.  It is also the third time that a GM Korea worker who suffers from labor-management conflicts has killed himself.  The government is introducing the same system as the 52-hour workweek to prevent such tragedies, but there are also objections. Recently, with the "52-hour workweek" marking the first year of its implementation, labor and management in the game industry are opposing the 52-hour workweek. In fact, excessive labor intensity in the game industry has been a constant issue since the past. Therefore, the management's position is that the game industry, which is already having a hard time due to various sanctions, could catch up with the Chinese game industry with the 52-hour work system. Labor-management conflicts have a huge impact on the lo

(extra post) What are the most visible (successful) Korean wave elements in the world?

  I think it is BTS. BTS is leading the Korean Wave, which is much larger and more sustained than PSY, who hit the world in 2012. BTS' song 'Dynamite' became the first Korean singer to top the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart. Hot 100 is the main chart of Billboard, which indicates that BTS is the most successful of the current Korean Wave elements. In addition, BTS made the first U.N. speech by a Korean singer in 2018, and successfully finished performing at Wembley Stadium in England in 2019 that only world-class artists can perform. This influence is stronger than any other K-pop singer. Even recently, a bill to postpone military service for BTS was revised. At the national level, it is recognized that BTS contributes a lot to the Korean Wave and the enhancement of the national status. Therefore, it is highly likely that BTS will be an unprecedented Korean Wave element in the history of Korean Wave.