
Showing posts from September, 2020

Anti globalization movement

 The reason for the rise of anti globalization movement refers to the question of why people want to fight against globalization. Why do people want anti globalization? It is because there are many serious problems in the process of globalization , especially social problems; it is because with the continuous progress of globalization, the world is increasingly divided; it is because the globalization led by the west can not treat every country in the world fairly, and can not treat the majority of the world's people fairly; it is because, as an objective trend, as a natural historical process If globalization continues on this track, the future of human real and complete liberation will be far away, and mankind will face the danger of destruction. This is by no means alarmist. Fidel Castro, chairman of the State Council of Cuba, solemnly pointed out to the delegates at the UN Conference on environment and Development held in June 1992 that "as the natural conditions for its

On Globalization

 Since the 1990s, with the end of the cold war, the rapid development of science and technology, the rapid development of transnational corporations, the increasing interdependence and influence of national economies, and the acceleration of globalization. The increasing development of globalization is an important factor directly related to the prospects of world economic development. Economic globalization is the objective requirement and inevitable result of the development of social productivity and science and technology. The increasing economic and trade activities among countries and regions and the rapid spread of knowledge and technology are conducive to promoting the optimal allocation of economic factors on a global scale and improving economic benefits. The increasingly close economic and technological ties between countries and regions not only bring new opportunities for the development of countries and regions, but also a positive factor for promoting world peace and sta

W4 Reading: What is Globalization? / Joon Hee Lee

 Summary What is globalization?  The answer to this question won't come to mind easily. This may be because the framework of globalization includes a wide range of topics, as has many concepts. In addition, there is a difference in the social context (environment, culture, etc.) of each country, so how to define this concept is bound to differ from community to community. For this reason, many scholars try to talk about globalization in a plural form. Globalization was discussed not only in religion but also in sociology and anthropology between the late 1970s and early 1980s, and it has not been long since the term was widely used around the world (1989). One of the characteristics of many arguments defining globalization is to increase 'global interconnection and consciousness'. It is also divided into four areas(national, global politics, individuals, and humanity), and again into four aspects in our lives(culture, society, politics, economy).  As it affects so many diff

[ Reading Assignment 1] What Is Globalization?

1. Summary Writers interpret the world loosely. According to the text, globalization is not a thing, so it is not important to reify globalization. We have to recognize its conceptual status, not an ontological matter. A number of scholars think the process  of globalization is plural because there are very different ideas about globalization. The study of globalization is conducted with transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach. Velho  (1997) think globalization is  an  object, a perspective and horizon. This viewpoint involves regarding globalization a single process. After the 1990s, globalization became an academic and political concept. In the 1990s, the cleavage between the group who take a mainly economic position on globalization and those who have adopted a broader view is a powerful characteristic of the concept of globalization. During the late 1990s  antiglobalization  movement built up. As this movement continued through often demonstrations, the great powers impose

What is globalization?

 1) Summary The etymology of globalization begins with sociology. Some of the sociologists define globalization which is the whole process of integration people of the world into a single world society. Even though globalization can unite the world, sometimes it can cause side effects. In other words sacrifice and exploitation are inevitable in the globalization. For examples, Developed countries make big profits by buying manpower and materials from developing countries at low prices and producing goods. As technology advances, the gap between the rich and the poor will widen, and developing countries with less economic power will increasingly fall behind. That is neo-colonialism which is that the globalized global economy benefits only or primarily those in power and macro levels. Poor individuals and countries are exploited and most profits go to the rich. But there are not only disadvantages. Globalization has the advantage of being able to travel around the world and communicate

What is Globalization?

  summary Globalization is a very controversial word. Scholars and academics have different definitions of this, and people have different ways of accepting it. But A lot of efforts are being made to define globalization perfectly.   Vellho describes globalization as an object, perspective and horizon. This view is to focus globalization simply on 'objective methods' with sufficient reflection. Vellho defined globalization as the way the world moves. The spread of the term globalization began only after the Berlin Wall collapsed in 1989 and communism collapsed only partially thereafter.   As communism collapsed, as the word globalization spread, spreads, The position on globalization has been divided. In relation to the end of capitalism, the view of globalization economically and the view of the wider view of the currency were divided. In the late 1990s, a movement, which was not confined mainly to Western society, but was commonly called the anti-globalization mo

What is Globalization?

#SUMMARY  Globalization doesn’t define distinctly. But people have tried to define globalization in correct terms. Therefore, there is too many explanations about globalization. Since it cannot be defined in exact terms, people are explaining globalization with the characteristics of globalization.   First of all, globalization can be explained by increased connectivity between countries. As connectivity between countries increases, opinions or ideas shared by different countries arise. However, this is not to say that the idea is in agreement. Opinions may differ, but in globalization, countries can share opinions among themselves.   And also, globalization is said to have been created by the establishment of a U.N. agency. In that respect, it explains that the purpose of the United Nations is globalization. The globalization of the United Nations focuses on four criteria. : Nation-states; world polities; individuals; and humankind   It also explains globalization through the compos

What is globalization? / CHOI JAE MIN

 1) Summary Globalization is both very general and very specific. The concept of globalization includes a wide variety of topics, and the explanation for them can be quite clear. Nevertheless, the concept of globalization is essentially a controversial one. There have been many books and articles on globalization so far, but that is the author's own definition. Globalization also exists in the context of civilization, so many scholars explain globalization in a pluralistic way.  Among them, Bellho describes globalization as an object, a perspective horizon, and says that overall, the world takes on a different aspect among scholars and observers about the globalization process.  So many scholars define globalization according to their background, which makes it hard to define it as a single thing. Many globalization-related references usually say that globalization has three dimensions: politics and economic culture. In this paper, one of the examples of globalization in the

What is globalization? / minji Moon

  Summary What is globalization? Globalization is hard to define in one sense. Therefore, there is much debate about the definition of globalization. Velho (1997) says globalization is going on, but it is different for each country. In fact, the concept of globalization has not appeared in studies for a long time. The word globalization has been widely used since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. In the late 1900s, the view of globalization economically prevailed. But in the late 1990s, the anti-globalization movement took place and people realized that globalization contributed to economic inequality. The Internet has developed and the global movement has been promoted. And developed countries pursued neo-liberalism and implemented policies accordingly.  Many people regarded this trend as an unpleasant aspect of globalization. The biggest feature of globalization is connectivity, and connectivity is related to consciousness. However, connectivity and consciousness are often studied

[Reading Assignment1] What is Globalization?-Lee Eunsuk

Summary   Globalization is a phenomenon caused by increased global connectivity and increased global awareness. The U.N. agency explains globalization in four forms. First, there is what can be called world politics. This is an international-systemic aspect. Second, it's humanity, the impact which covers the component of humanity. The relationship between humans and animals and human rights are constantly changing. Third, it's an individual. This is the totality of individual selves. The increase in individualization has had a sufficient impact on self-identity. Self-identity is the cornerstone of homogeneity formation. Fourth, it is a nation-state. It can be said that globalization has been changed by ethnic states. The subdivisions of Globalization include economy, culture, politics and society. The concept to be noted in the economic sector is Glocalization. The need to change the brand to suit the local situation has emerged while expanding the same products and services

[Assignment 1] what is globalization?

 1) Summary Over time, as technology advances, all over the world people can contact each other through Internet, airplane, various media flatform and so on. And naturally we discussed the idea of globalization and It’s still ongoing. But until 1980s or 1990 early, globalization have not been fully accepted in academic part. Since The term globalization has not been widely used for a long time, and is being discussed in various ways and dimension, It’s hard to define straight one word or sentence what that is. Velho(1997) said about globalization in objective and horizon perspective. According to his perspective, especially object approach, regard globalization as a thinking of single process. And he thinks even though world is undergoing globalization each country has different aspect. There’s recognition difference between 1900s and 2000s about globalization. In the late 1900s, people who looked at globalization in economic perspective were more dominant. But after the late 1990 the

[Reading 1] What is globalization? / Jeong hye min

  Summary   Globalization is a phenomenon in which many countries around the world exchange a lot with each other in various fields such as politics, economy, society, culture and science. There is a definition of globalization, but there are various views on globalization. That's why this article says that globalization is relative.  Globalization is being discussed by many scholars. It is difficult to define globalization clearly because it is composed of politics, economy, society and culture and shows different characteristics depending on place and time. Interesting point  I think it was hard to understand at once while reading the text. In the meantime, I haven't read much about sociology, and unfamiliar words that I've never seen before have lowered my understanding. However, the most interesting part was the 'McDonaldization '. On the economic front, I was aware of McDonald's influence because i was aware of the Macnal index (the local currency price of

[Reading Assignment 1] What is Globalization?

Summary Globalization includes a wide variety of topics, including global governance, global citizenship, human rights and so on. So the concept of systematic analysis of globalization is debatable. In fact, globalization did not enter not only political and intellectual discourse but also academically until the early 1990s. However, with the collapse of communism, the term globalization began to be widely used. The resulting expansion of capitalism has split globalization into economic and non-economic positions. The ideology of neo-liberalism of those who take economic positions has led to open relations between countries. Opponents have argued that this economic logic ignores important sociological factors, but those who value something else than the economic aspect are also criticized for being ideological. The McDonaldization that Ritzer claims can explain this economic aspect of globalization. McDonald's is a form of cultural globalization, but McDonald's also needs to ad

What is globalization? / JeongYoon Oh

  Summary  Globalization includes all sorts of events, such as global governance, global citizenship, human rights, migration, the creation of humanism, the creation of diaspora, and various kinds of transnational links. The term "globalization" is thought to have spread only after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent partial fall of communism in 1989. According to sociologists' books and articles on globalization, there are three main perspectives: economics, politics and culture. The book states that globalization is a relative disregard for sociological perspectives, but globalization has grown significantly thanks to social interaction and the spread of communication.  Social interaction using the Internet is also included. The importance of social interaction can be seen from communication decades ago. For example, 'Polish peasants in Europe and America' by Thomas and  Znaniecki  are typical case studies. The main viewpoints of globalization in this